Bellows Manufacturing and Research, Inc. | Welding

Precision metal joining is our core technology especially in the area of thin metal stock (0.003” to .130” wall thickness). Our welding technologies include:

Welding is our core technology especially in the area of thin metal stock (0.003” to 0.180” wall thickness). Metal Bellows welding technologies include Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG), Spot welding, MIG welding, horizontal and vertical TIG welding.

These techniques are employed to join a variety of metals including stainless steel, Inconel, Hastelloy, titanium and other exotic materials. All welders are trained and certified by function, material type and thickness.

Weld equipment includes multiple ID and OD welding stations for bellows manufacturing. Machines are set up in flexible work cells and employees cross trained to optimize production capability and minimize delivery time.

BMR Welding
BMR Welding
BMR Welding
BMR Welding

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